My dear Friend and president, DJT,
How did Mother's Day go? I'm sorry that you forgot to mention Melania in your Mother's Day Tweet. I encourage you to consult with me next year. I can help you say something heartfelt in 280 characters, for example, "Happy Mother's Day to Melania, and all the Moms, who help their families Be Best every day" or "Happy Mother's Day to Melania and all the Moms helping us MAGA." You often give Melania credit for her good works so I'm sure yesterday's omission was just a senior moment.
I hope you don't have any senior moments when you meet with Hungarian PM Viktor Orban(VMO) this afternoon. He's a shrewd guy, maybe even more so than VVP. According to NPR he's been able to rewrite the Constitution in his favor. Now that is shrewd. Of course, you have no such intention, right?
I suggest you do your best to keep your distance from him, lest Americans infer you are birds-of-a-feather. He is associated with so many bad things that you want to avoid. I'm sure you are aware his administration has been called a "kleptocracy" because Transparency International has given it a corruption rating of .45. He closed Central European University because it was too liberal. In fact, he has embraced the term, "illiberalism," which I don't have the time to research, but I can tell it's bad. He denigrates Geroge Soros who funded his Oxford education.
Be careful he may try to charm you. He tries to find a special bond with other politicians. If he tries to feel your back, don't let him. He's looking for a special muscle that only soccer fans have. Apparently Tayyip Erdoğanhas this muscle, too, so they are BFFs. He's falsely modest saying that his country is "small, fragile and threatened." Based on my read of an interview with Bernard-Henri Levy published in the Atlantic today, VMO has an air of vulnerability. Don't be fooled by that.
So be polite, be pleasant, but don't sell him any weapons! Please!!!!
Have a good one,