My dear Friend and president, DJT,
According to FactBa.SE, your comments at the event for Military Mothers yesterday were 93% positive! Yeah! The only negative statement you made was directed at women serving in the military when you said, "You have spent Mother’s Days on ships out at sea, on bases in faraway lands, and staring down foreign threats in very, very dangerous areas." I assume that got a negative rating because of the last part.
Did you see Dana Milbank's piece in the WP this morning? He was exploring your emotions and noting that you tend to be negative. He investigated it by talking to Bill Frischlin, the guy who founded FactBa.SE. Bill says that you are actually more positive than negative in your speeches. The thing that makes you seem so negative is that your negativity and positivity are more extreme than other people's. Dana claims this is "unnecessarily unsettling." Like in your statement to the moms in the military, you didn't just say "dangerous areas," you said, "very, very dangerous areas." Dana says it's impossible for you to be upbeat. He noted, "attempts at accentuating the positive invariably devolve into his usual recitation of grievance and gloom." He also says, "anger powers him."
I hate to think that's the case. I hope you realize that being angry all the time will ruin your health. Your amygdalasignals your adrenal gland to produce catecholamines and these put you into a high state of arousal making your heart beat faster and limiting your ability to concentrate. Living in a continued state of arousal is not only hard on your heart, it can turn you into a hostile person who tends to evaluate others more harshly and is slower to make positive judgments. You don't want to be that kind of guy, do you?
The trick to counteracting anger is deep breathing. I hope you'll give it a try.