My dear Friend and President, DJT,
Here I am, sitting in SMF waiting for my 6:30 flight to SAN next to the men's rugby team from the Maritime Academy while they tease each other about the burgers and fries some are wolfing down. On my other side various individuals are convening for a family reunion, gushing about a young women's pregnancy and swapping birthing stories. Flying on Friday is fun! Too bad you miss out on rubbing shoulders with the common people of the USA by flying on Airforce One.
If I had more time I would stop by Calexico to say "hi" while we are both down in So Cal today. The folks there are hoping you will take a look at the New River while you check out the border. It sounds AWFUL! They'd prefer we invest our federal $ in a water treatment plant to take care of the all of the waste being dumped into the H2O by folks in Mexicali. It sounds like you won't be able to escape the smell of the river so I encourage you to consider what it would be like to live with that every day.
I'm sure you'll have a blast in Beverly Hills this evening. If I had $150,000 to spare I might use it so I could participate in the roundtable discussion with you and find out what you think of these letters. Alas, I prefer to spend my savings to put my kid through college and to put a new roof on my house. I like to think that in our beautiful democracy money does not buy influence, and these letters are as influential as a seat at that roundtable. Please send me a note to assure me that's the case.
Thanks, in advance for attending to the requests and suggestions in this note,