My dear Friend and President, DJT,
I encourage you to practice the principle that my mom instilled in me many years ago. If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. I think you need to tattoo this expression on the back of your hand so that every time you feel tempted to blurt out or tweet a nasty, you stop and ponder the harm you might cause.
I am led to preach to you today because you have been saying mean things about Rep. Ilhan Omar and now people are threatening to kill her. I wish you didn't have that effect on some people. But, believe it or not, some people take what you say very seriously. I tend not to. I have been conditioned by the Ambrose side of my family to expect exaggeration and sarcasm so I always listen with skepticism to what you are saying. For example, your tweets and comments about closing the border are hyperbole and you know it. Sending refugees to sanctuary cities is a fantasy, too expensive and complicated to execute but a great sound bite.
Your latest campaign against Ilhan Omar may seem light hearted and harmless to you, but some folks in America, who may already have religious and ethnic biases, are looking for excuses to let those loose. As you know Patrick Carlineo felt free to call Rep. Omar's office and threaten to kill her. Lots of folk, myself included, worry that your anti-Muslim rhetoric fueled his hatred.
I think you say crazy stuff all the time because most of your life people didn't take you seriously. Times have changed and now your words matter. Please take care in using them.