My dear Friend and President, DJT,
The Most Rev. Curry
How was the prayer breakfast this morning? I'm sorry that I didn't get a chance to hear the remarks of the Most Rev. Michael Curry. Was he in the same top form that he was at Prince Harry's wedding to Meghan Markle? The brief quote that I saw from Dr. Lance Plyler, "We are all equal in the eyes of God" and "all neighbors" resonated with me. I hope the event uplifted you and everyone else in attendance.
I was excited to read about the "Women’s Global Development and Prosperity”Initiative. Ivanka did a nice job introducing it in her opinion piece in today's WSJ. Among the facts that she included, I was discouraged to see that in 18 countries husbands can legally deny their wives the right to work! I'm afraid Ivanka will need more than $50 million to get this effort off the ground? Womenpreneurs around the world need a lot more than that to break free!
I encourage you to stop being paranoid about the Democratic Congress. I hope that all of your affairs have been on the up and up, and, if so, you have nothing to worry about. As NDP says, Congress has oversight responsibility of the President. You remember that balance of powers is part of this democracy thing, so just relax. The Mueller investigation has taken forever and that's likely to be the case for these Congressional investigations, too. So even if you do have some skeletons in your closet it will take them a while to find them. In the meantime, get busy doing some good things so people will forgive your mistakes.
Walk in the Light,