My dear Friend and President, DJT,
Thanks for showing your best side last night. While the opinion writers in the NYT and WP have plenty of sarcasm about the STOU, most agree that you remained composed and civil. We all hope to see that side of you more often. I suggest that you spend more time with whoever wrote the speech and spend less time with Don Scavino. While Don may have mastered the art of the Tweet, his nasty streak is a bad influence on you. You need more rhetoric like, "rekindle the bonds of love and loyalty and memory that link us together as citizens, as neighbors." That kind of thing is nice to hear.
While I appreciated your positive demeanor and civil tone, I do have to take issue with two parts of the speech. I was disappointed that you didn't have any new ideas about border security. As the WSJ editors noted you were "preaching to the converted and persuading no one else." The other part that made me grimace was when you said if it weren't for you we'd be at war with North Korea. Really Donald?
While you did a fine job, I have to say, the ladies in white stole the show. They made a strong statement by just showing up having coordinated their fashion statement. The woman in white sitting behind you was particularly striking and everyone is wondering what she was looking at during your speech.
I hope you get a chance to talk with Nadia Murad when you go over to the Global-Coalition-to-Defeat-ISIS event today. Her courage in speaking out about being kidnapped to be a sex slave by ISIS is amazing. I think she will inspire you to continue to try to be your best self and to help her bring her captors to justice.