My dear Friend and President, DJT,
This quote from Lincoln's first inaugural address speaks to my condition today regarding our relationship, “We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection." I am having trouble feeling those "bonds of affection" today. I'm emotionally exhausted from trying to lift my husband's sprits so lifting yours is proving to be a challenge.
It would be so much easier to join most of my friends and neighbors and despise you, ranting and raving about the silly things that you sometimes say, the odd cast of characters you surround yourself with and your unorthodox, if not destructive, approach to policy making. But giving into that anger and frustration would release my demons and they would begin to rule me, robbing me of joy. My demons are just as bad as anyone's. We all have them and we each have to find our own way to control them. These letters are one of the many things I do to keep mine at bay. I am afraid that you use tweets as your release valve, releasing your demons 280 characters at a time.
If I had more energy, I'd craft a brilliant missive. I'd celebrate your renaming of NASA's Fairmont, W.Vafacility to the Katherine Johnson Independent Verification and Validation Facility to honor the 100 year old African American mathematician. I'd recognize your new UN pick, Kelly Knight and tease you about her strange statement regarding climate change where she claimed to "respect both sides of the science." I'd acknowledge the stress you are under regarding the pending release of the Mueller reports. I'd suggest that you not make a big deal about "MOUs." But the day is short and my energy is limited. So suffice it to say, I am holding you in the Light and hoping you are touched by the better angels of your nature.