

My dear Friend and President, DJT,

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           I am glad to hear that the wall thing is almost finished. I assume that's what you meant when you had all of those signs in El Paso that said, "Finish the Wall." You meant to finish the conversation, right? The folks in Congress came up with a compromise. You've got $1.375 billion to spend on the "wall." That's great. With 2000 miles of border, that gives you $687,500 per mile or $130.20 per foot. It won't be fancy but you can put up some fencing for that price. I will be so happy to see the "wall" finished so we can all go on to solving our real problems.

           Speaking of problems, I have to rush off to do some problem solving with the 5th graders today. We'll be doing more work with finding the volume of prisms. It'll be a blast.





