My Dear Friend and President, DJT,
I am so glad to hear that you are concerned about birds. So much so, that you believe we should not build any wind turbines to protect our avian friends. Maybe we should also do something about cats, who kill 2.4 billion birds each year, 4000 times as many as are killed by wind turbines.
What’s your favorite bird? I like crows. They’re smart. They look out for each other and they communicate. I suspect that you like eagles. They are fearless, tenacious and high fliers. Just like you.
Our fine feathered friends need our help. Please tell FWS Director, Aurelia Skipwith, to reconsider the enforcement of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 so that businesses are held accountable when they kill birds. Please pay particular attention to the terns who are losing their breeding grounds because of the new tunnel being put in at Hampton Roads. They need an artificial island and the FWS can see to it that they get it.
Don’t hit any birds on the golf course today,