

My dear Friend and President, DJT,

            Isn't it great to have an extra hour today? I'm happy that there will be some light in the morning when I get up to write to you. We are having a calm, sunny day - a great relief from the wind we had last Sunday.

            I found an opossum in my freezer. Gross! Yes, gross! I hadn't heard that my ever-loving daughter (ELD) accepted it from our neighbor who caught it in the trap that he has set out to catch the nut eating squirrels that he is on a one-man campaign to eradicate. My ELD plans to dissect it. In the meantime, it's in a plastic bag at the back of the freezer freaking me out. Do you have anything weird in your freezer?

            So, it's too bad that Sean Doolittle will not be joining the Nats at the WH tomorrow. He's the relief pitcher with the reddish beard who has that funny way of holding his glove up to his chin before going into his delivery. I respect him for being a man of principle, who after much deliberation, decided that he can't stomach your rhetoric. Apparently like you, he has quite the Twitter following, but unlike you, he seasons his tweets before sending them out. Fans like him for being nerdy and that he champions various causes including "Operation Finally Home" which fixes up houses for veterans. It looks like he and his teammates had a blast at the World Series parade yesterday. It's too bad you didn't join them.

            How did you enjoy the MMA event last night? I couldn't tell if you were getting cheered or booed when you entered the Garden. I assume you had your fans and your detractors there, and folks at those events get riled up when anyone enters the cage so the noise is just part of the atmosphere. I understand you have been a supporter of the sport since John McCain called it human cockfighting back in 1996. I don't understand it's appeal and prefer to watch Sean Doolittle and his buddies.

            It looks like a great day for some golf.




