

My dear Friend and President, DJT,



Did you know that today was Holocaust Remembrance Day? I have always shied away from anything related to the Holocaust because I have always found it so profoundly disturbing. I remember an event in high school where some of my classmates had done an intense independent study on it which included their grandparents who were Holocaust survivors. When I attended the presentation, I was overwhelmed by emotion and just wanted to turn away. I experience similar temptations when faced with accounts of slavery. I must admit to facing a similar impulse when you came into office, and just experienced it again this morning in looking at your Tweets for the day. By the way, please don't call me a fool because I don't want a wall, and please specify where you got the info that 58,000 non-citizens voted in TX. 

Anyway, I have the urge to turn away from the Holocaust, accounts of slavery and your tweets because anger, hatred and violence are ugly! But if I turn away and ignore the demons that live in each of us, they will grow. Unlike love, which is nourished by attention, hate grows in the dark and is fueled by secrets. So, we have to shine a light on it, over and over again to keep it at bay.

Theresa May tweeted about Holocaust Remembrance Day saying, "No words can ever do justice to the six million souls who were so cruelly murdered in the Holocaust – but we can pay a fitting tribute through our deeds today." I hope you will post a similar tweet. Perhaps Jared can help you craft it. His grandparents were Holocaust survivors so he hasn't had the luxury of turning away from it.

Please try to spread some love today!




