

My Dear Friend & POTUS, DJT,

Today’s date has 5 twos, a zero & a five. So many twos! It makes me think of “pairing,” which makes me think of love. Have you thought much about love? I worry that you didn’t feel much of it growing up.

My guess is that your dad stole all the oxygen in the room & your mom devoted most of her attention to assuaging his pride leaving you kids to fend for yourselves. My hypothesis is that you learned to get noticed by pushing boundaries at school, that it was more fun to fool around than to obey authority. You lost respect for the educators because they failed to hold you accountable. Perhaps I have it wrong, but your willingness to half listen & then repeat misinformation, gives me reason to believe that you were not a good student.

Your shared several false facts when speaking with the governors yesterday. The one that got my attention was the one about 4.7 million Social Security people from the age of 100 to 109 being on the SS roles. I knew that had to be wrong & I’m sure your staff told you that’s due to computer system glitch rather than fraud. I fear that confirmatory bias led you to ignore their corrections because you like to believe people are scamming the system. Perhaps it's because you are so inclined to test boundaries that you assume everyone else is as well.

Maybe your new Sec of HUD, Scott Turner (EST), could help you with that. He seems to be an upstanding guy. He claims that in his work with other retired football players, he “did (his) very best to steward well & with great humility. It taught (him) to die to self & to live for other people.”

While I am impressed with his spiritual credentials, I worry that EST is going overboard in reducing his agencies, especially, the Office of Public & Indian Housing, where cuts to staff could slow down payments for the Section 8 vouchers program that provides rental assistance to millions of low-income people. Landlords won’t like that, nor will the people. Best to think twice about that.

Regarding Burma, please call Saw Chit Thu to see if he has ideas on how to stop the fighting in Myawaddy. He’s said to control a network of economic & military interests that stretch across the Thai/ Burma border. He is in a tricky spot right now as the scam centers are under close scrutiny. You might be able to persuade him to ameliorate the situation rather than make it worse. Please see what you can do.


