

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            Thank you for sharing your anguish over the shootings at the KC Chiefs Superbowl parade yesterday. I hope someone is shocked into action. 

            You’ll recall that my daughter lives in KC & teaches high school biology. She wasn’t sure how her students might have been affected by the event & hoped that they had stayed away from Union Station. Her school, like most in the district, had the day off, which is why so many of the victims were children. She has been trying to distract herself from the anxiety brought on by the violence by planning her lessons on seeds.

            It’s so sad that KC’s moment of glory was extinguished so suddenly. The city continues to be plagued by a high murder rate which the mayor, George Lucas, says comes from teenagers getting access to guns easily. He calls it a “deadly cocktail.” Let’s hope that the programs directed at addressing the issue show some results. In the meantime, please hold KC in the Light.

            What’s up with VVP’s positive assessment of your abilities? Do you think Americans care what he says about who he wants to be POTUS?

            Regarding Burma, please consider calling Dr. Nayla Hayek (NH) & inquire about whether her companies are buying Burmese gems. Simon Billenness urges us to boycott stores selling “blood rubies” & NH’s Harry Winston outlets are on the list.  A call from you might shake her up & lead her to take action.




