My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,
I am free to write as much as I please since I will be sending this missive via snail mail. Corresponding with you is costing me almost $1 per letter. That’s not counting the time involved in dealing with various aspects of the paperwork. If contacting the POTUS electronically is no longer an option, I will need to come up with a better system to stay in touch.
How are things in St Croix? The NYT headline indicates you are “laying low.” I am not a subscriber to the NYT right now, so I don’t know what else they might have to report, but I assume all is well.
Most of the news stories about you today are reflections on your presidency or what you are trying to do before you leave office. An opinion piece called, “Joe Biden, The Presidency & the Messiness of Being Human” caught my attention, but since it’s in the NYT, I can’t read it. It’s probably similar to the WP piece, “Joe Biden’s Lonely Battle to Sell his Vision of American Democracy,” which I could read, where Tyler Pager claims you were so hung-up on convincing people that 45 would kill democracy, that you neglected to speak to the condition of the average American. The only new info was about the AG. Do you really regret having appointed Merrick Garland?
Today’s Hexagram (HX), #18, REPAIR, may be helpful to you. The story has to do with getting ready 3 days prior to crossing a river & then closely examining progress 3 days after. As is often the case, the image associated with the story doesn’t match it. This time it’s of wind blowing at the foot of a mountain. Each person will see something different in HX 18, but for you, it may have to do with your upcoming move out of the WH & the need to acknowledge the messes you’ve made. I believe you are trying to do this.
Have you spoken with the leader of the Arakan Army (AA), Major General Twan Mrat Naing (TMN) to find out what his intentions are? According to the DW, the AA needs to be taken seriously. TMN could be in the position to leverage the strategic & economic importance of the Rakhine state & convince China into pressuring the junta to relinquish control peacefully. TMN seems to be keeping his options open regarding whether to declare Rakhine as an independent nation or to remain part of Burma. I don’t know what’s best, but I do worry about what will happen to the Rohingya, either way. Please express your concerns about this situation.
I am hoping to make some cookies with a 4-year old buddy of mine, so I need to stop writing so I can get the house ready.