

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            I read the speech you made yesterday at Blue Bell, PA in Montgomery Co, which according to its website, “will be 1 of the most highly watched counties in the nation during the 2024 elections.” They note, “we saw historic turnout in recent elections & (are) at the vanguard of protecting voting rights” with a goal of 90% voter turnout in 2024! Jamila H. Winder, Chair of the Montgomery County Board of Commissioners, is the 1st African American to hold that position. Cool!

            I loved the overall message of the speech, especially the idea that democracy is sacred. I especially liked the lines, “Liberty, not conquest.  Freedom, not domination.  National independence, not individual glory.” Very compelling!

            I worry, though, that highlighting GW’s fight against the King might play into 45’s narrative. He tells MAGAers that they are “patriots” fighting for their country. While you exclaimed, “Political violence is never, ever acceptable in the United States political system — never, never, never,” isn’t that what GW did in 1777? And threatened to do it again in 1794 during the Whiskey Rebellion where he led a force of 13,000 men to quell an uprising of 6,000 angry farmers who didn’t like a tax? Wasn’t the Civil War also an act of “political violence?”

As an academic I am left wondering exactly what you mean by “political violence.” I suggest that you avoid the ambiguity & just decide WINTA!

            I’m sure you were briefed that the junta has acknowledged that 2,389 military personnel, including 6 brigadier generals surrendered in Laukkaing late Thursday. As you know that’s the part of Burma with casinos, scam centers & other illicit activity. Things there might get worse before they get better. Please continue to closely monitor the situation.



PS – Had an epiphany this AM about family & NOLA. Can’t wait to see what will happen.



