My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,
“All the women in my family are smarter than I am.” Did you really have to say that at your rally yesterday? I regret that I need to keep reminding you that old-school patriarchal humor does not resonate any more. Pretending that you are dominated by the women around you is no longer funny. Please stop using that kind of joke!
If you are truly concerned with smart women, please look into the physical health of Aung San Suu Kyi. Her son, Kim Aris, says she can’t eat, is vomiting & has severe dizziness due to gum disease. Please ask KMH if the ASEAN leaders have brought this up at their conference & if so, what plan they have for getting her some help.
I am intrigued with your appointment of Peiter "Mudge" Zatko to join your Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency. Like many guys in that industry he seems to be a fascinating character. I am impressed with his deep sense of morality & his devotion to making the internet secure. Do you happen to know if this comes from a spiritual commitment?
Doesn’t this image of Mudge remind you of the last supper? Do you think that was intentional?
I hope you enjoy the Medal of Honor Award ceremony for Captain Larry L. Taylor today. I wish people did not have to fight in wars to be recognized for “conspicuous gallantry.”
Send Jill my regards & best wishes for a speedy recovery from CV.