

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            I see you did some spinning with the fam, yesterday. How was that? Did you do some yoga, too? I find it works wonder to keep those pesky aches at bay. Ardha matsyendrasana is a favorite.

            Did you catch any of the debate? I chose not to watch it, but read about it this AM. The WP generated all kinds of wonderful graphs representing various quantifiable aspects of the interactions. Some guy, named Burgum attacked you the most. While another guy, named Ramaswamy (VGR) received the most attacks from opponents.

I’m sure you’ve heard of him, but I hadn’t. According to the WP, he’s 38, made a bunch of $ in tech, used to dress in all black & rap “libertarian prose” under the name ‘Da Vek’ while at Harvard & supports raising the voting age to 25 unless those young Americans serve in the military or as first responders, or they pass a citizenship test.”

VGR reminds me of Dinesh DeSousa, telegenic, super smart, super conservative, hard to argue with. Do you think he’s hoping to be DJT’s running mate?

Nikki Haley attacked VGR on his foreign policy plans & got applause when she said, “You are choosing a murderer over a pro-American country.” While I am not a fan of her hawkish stances, I was happy to see that she reminded her counterparts that the GOP stance on a women’s right to choose was losing voters.

I understand from AJ that the “the Treasury Department announced it was further expanding its sanctions on Myanmar to include foreign companies or individuals helping the military procure jet fuel.” Yeah!

Please read Sadia Rahman’s piece in the AJ, “Rohingya youth long for a future beyond the barbed wire” it will help you understand that we are letting too much talent & energy go to waste at the refugee camps. Let’s open our borders to them.




