

Happy Day b4 Independence Day,

            What’s up? I can’t find your schedule, so I assume you are either at the beach or at Camp David. Either way, it’s probably raining on you. We won’t see rain for a couple of months. Today’s high will be 98. It’s bearable if you can find some shade & sit still.

            I hope you get to sit still for the next couple of days. According to Cleve R. Wootson Jr. writing in the WP you are in campaign mode, zipping around the country. He claims, you are spending your days “talking about plans to give the poor & isolated access to the internet…(while spending your) evenings giving the rich & connected access to the president.”

            Paul Waldman suggests that this broadband thing gives you a chance to transform the image that rural voters have of Democrats. He says you have “been defensive & pleading, saying “Please don’t hate us” instead of “Why aren’t you angrier at Republicans?” “Gleefully needling Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.)” for his hypocrisy in bragging about federal investments in his district that he voted AGAINST is a starting point.

            According to Ezra Klien’s piece in the NYT yesterday, people just want to “stay where they grew up” so your “$623 billion in clean energy investments by 2030 (in Red states), compared with $354 billion for blue states” should help you win over some voters.

            As we prepare to celebrate our independence, let’s hope for the independence of the oppressed citizens of Burma. I was happy to see that “in Timor which will reportedly become a new member of ASEAN, President Jose Ramos-Horta took an oath & invited the Minister of Foreign Affairs- NUG to join the ASEAN representatives from Indonesia and Australia.”




