

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            My pulse is slightly elevated from sanding the floor, a new diversion that I do while the microwave heats my tea. One minute of exertion, smoothing out the ruts made by a previous attempt to improve our kitchen floor, is surprisingly satisfying.

What do you do while you heat something in the microwave? Do you EVER use the microwave?

            Are you jet lagged? Emotionally spent after the chance encounter with Fr Frank O’Grady in the apparition chapel? I suspect his appearance brought back the moment when he gave the Last Rites to Beau. I’m sure it was bittersweet to see him again.

            Reading in the G about your meeting with the priest led me on a Google investigation of Last Rites. I eventually arrived at “extreme unction” when the priests anoint the patient with oil.

As I pondered the practical explanation for this practice, I was reminded of my Grandpa Doctor, who despite his gruff persona had a healing touch. I remember how soothing it was to have him lay his hand on my forehead when I was suffering.

I emulated his “laying on of hands” in 1998. My uncle was recuperating in a Madison hospital from a brain injury he got from falling down some stairs. He was unconscious, writhing in discomfort when I came to visit & no one was around to help, so I cupped his forehead in my hand & he immediately relaxed. A magical moment.

I had another magical moment this morning when I scrolled down the page about “extreme unction” to find a quote which began, “Why, then, do you lay on hands…” and saw that it came from St. Ambrose.

            As we contemplate how to relieve suffering, please consider how we can relieve the suffering of the people of Burma.




