Dec 7, 2023
My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,
As you well know, it’s Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day. I just noticed that you were a newborn when the Japanese bombed Hawaii. I wonder why your dad didn’t participate in WWII. In any case, that day must have been as devastating as 9/11. I wonder if my 5th grade friends know anything about it. I’ll try to remember to ask them.
I have to run so I will just share two quick thoughts.
1) What happened at the White House Tribal Summit yesterday? All I saw was a photo of you signing something & a long list of the improvements your administration was making for Native Americans. I did not see rematrician on the list. What are your thoughts about that?
2) The WP has a front page piece about the junta being on the “verge of collapse,” so what’s your stance on the helping Burma with its new government?
It looks like you are having a quiet day. I hope it goes well.