

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            It looks like you & Jill had a blast at the Kennedy Center Honors yesterday. The G made it sound like you really hit it off with Billy Crystal who said he found you, “lovely & charming.” It’s so nice that you could take a moment away from politics to celebrate the performing arts.

            Have you ever thought about getting a tattoo? It has crossed my mind once or twice, but my dad brainwashed me to hate makeup, so a permanent embellishment is almost unthinkable. But today, I am considering getting one after reading in the VOA about Aung Sun Suu Kyi’s son, Kim Aris’, tattoo campaign. The effort pays homage to Burmese kickboxer Too Too, who had a Burmese water dragon on his chest when he lost his life in prison. The tattoo would be a way for me to show solidarity with the ongoing resistance movement inside Burma & get conversations going with people who might not know about it.

            Art as a vehicle for quiet opposition came up yesterday at a 2nd Hour at DFM. My Quaker Friend who hosts a daily prayer vigil for the Ukrainians gave a presentation about peace activists in Russia & Ukraine & told us about a protest using tiny figurines left in public places to show opposition to the war. The little people hold up signs with covert messages of resistance & are photographed. The images are posted on Instagram so the world can see that some in Russia are opposed to VVP’s activities. The NYT called it, “strategic ambiguity” to avoid retribution. I am grateful to live in a country where my protest can be loud & proud!

            Regarding Gaza, please start talking to Hanan Ashrawi about next steps there. She may be the leader you are looking for to guide the Palestinians away from Hamas. Even better would be a younger woman who can represent the aspirations of the 20-somethings.




