


            When is the WH going to put out a press release about Sandra Day O’Connor’s passing noting the brilliance of her judicial philosophy of “consequentialism?” Please get busy giving her the recognition she deserves.

            Thanks for your efforts to regulate methane emissions.  It’s a step in the right direction.

            Have you heard of dependent co-arising? Thich Nhat Hanh likens it to giving intense attention to someone else so two can become one. He writes about practicing it when writing translations for pleas for Vietnamese orphans, he would study the photo of the child & then channel the child as he completed the translation. He says, in melding with the other “you lose yourself.”

            Reading about it made me what to spend a minute with you. Just 60-seconds in your presence to feel your vibe to see what kind of energy I get from you. Experiencing your aura would add a whole new dimension to the spiritual practice of writing these letters.

I suspect your vibe would be like my dad’s, confident, open & assertive, carrying the privilege of being a White man in America, but also warm, welcoming & generous.  

            What vibe does 45 radiate? I imagine an agitated, aggressive vibe. I suspect I’d sense his internal calculations about how much time to spend me with me & since I am not young, beautiful, rich or famous, he’d be looking over my head to see who else was in the room. I could be wrong since some people find him charming.

            The Buddhist ruminations about karma were brought about from the news in France 24 which reports that “pro-democracy fighters” are on the verge of taking over Loikaw, capital of the Kayah state. It’s home to the dramatic Taung Kwe pagoda compound & the state boasts the largest ethnic diversity in Burma. Only 30% of the population of 50,000 remain there since the junta’s only tool these days are bombs. It’s troubling to see such a spiritual place wracked by violence!

Please include Burma with Ukraine & Gaza on your list of conflicts to help resolve.





