

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            Did you make the sign of the cross in Pueblo yesterday because you knew you were sinning by saying mean things about Rep. Lauren Boebert? Please clarify.

            What did you think of Henry Kissinger? I grew up with him appearing on my TV with his sonorous, accented voice. He exuded intellectual confidence, making me feel that he knew best. I now know it’s dangerous when an individual thinks they know best. In my maturity I have come to appreciate we are all flawed & brilliant at the same time. Clearly that was the case for HAK, as it is for you & me.

             I encourage you to laud HAK’s shuttle diplomacy which, according to the NYT, led Egypt from the Soviets’ sphere of influence to ours & paved the way for the Camp David Accords. We see his legacy in the present cease fire.

            Speaking of Gaza, I agree with your tweet that “to continue down the path of terror, violence, killing, & war is to give Hamas what they seek.” The G says you “drew yet further opprobrium” & speculates whether you are following the polls rather than principle. Perhaps you are engaging in HAK’s practice of realpolitik, achieving practical objectives rather than advancing lofty ideals. In any case, it’s another thing you need to clarify.

            I hope you accomplish your goals in your meeting with Angola’s President João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço (JMGL). Improving the port in Lombito sounds like a great plan, just make sure the profits go to the people rather than lining the pockets of the dos Santos family & their cronies. Please see if JMGL wants help in pressuring Chevron to stop dumping hazardous oil waste directly into ocean shallows near the coast of Cabinda.

Please consult with Ursula von der Leyen about Burma & see if you all can sponsor a meeting between the EAOs & NUG. It’s time to get them talking before the demise of the junta.




