


            How was Friendsgiving? Did you taste the mashed potatoes you served up? How was the gravy? Quality gravy makes the meal. I look forward to whipping some up on Th.

            Speaking of turkey, I can’t wait to see what silly jokes your speech writers come up with for your pardoning of Liberty & Bell today.

            Rosalynn Carter – what a lady! I appreciate her efforts to destigmatize mental health issues & to highlight the efforts of family caregivers. I love that she wore outfits more than once, including to Jimmy’s inaugural. Would that all prominent women had her humility & grace!

            Do you get anxious? I am asking because yesterday my co-housing neighbors were asked to discuss “what is making you anxious about our upcoming move?” I told my group that I choose not to talk about “anxieties” as naming thoughts in this way makes concerns bigger rather than smaller. A neighbor challenged this assertion suggesting that acknowledging worries helped her let go of them. My reading this AM provides support for both approaches.

T Dennis-Tiwary defines anxiety as, “nervous apprehension about the uncertain future,” & says it can have positive effects because it leads to action. So, talking about it, can motivate you to do something to prevent a negative outcome. M Stein argues that “talking about worries perpetuates the worry cycle” because reassurance from loved ones provides short-term relief without addressing the root problem.  He writes, “Your brain is never satisfied unless you achieve certainty that the thing you're worried about won't happen.”

            I realized this AM that another reason not to use the term, “anxious,” is that folks with profound anxiety disorders find it troubling when they hear the word used for minor issues. I also realized that our uncertainties about moving to a new condo are trivial when compared to the uncertainties faced by the civilians in Gaza & Burma & other conflict-ridden places.





