

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            It’s a silent Sunday with 0 “Biden” mentions in the G & WP. In the only piece in the NYT, Ross Douthat(RD) muses about your use of the term, “genocide” & argues, “the accusation of genocide might seem to VVP’s ears much more like a flourish than a threat. After all, there’s nothing in recent history to suggest that the term is used by Western powers with real consistency or certainty, or in a way that engenders a consistent American response.”

            This resonated with me. After silent worship one Yangon Friend recounted the message he heard from a Rohingya activist. She lamented impunity. Those who exercise violence as a tool for oppression are not held accountable.

            In his NYT piece, RD suggests something similar in noting that accountability for “genocide” has varied. In the case of Ukraine, VVP is not yet committing genocide yet because “the Ukrainians are making sure he doesn’t get the chance.”

            The Rohingya activist noted that the Tatmadaw’s attempt to commit genocide failed, because she survived. Her existence, along with that of the 890,000 Rohingya refugees living in the 34 camps in Bangladesh demonstrate the indefatigable spirit of the people.

            As I sit in silence again this morning with my Davis Friends, I will reflect on this will to survive. I will be holding the displaced people of Ukraine, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Yemen, Sahel, Palestine & Haiti in the Light with the hope that they can do what Viktor Frankl did while in the Buckenwald by practicing what he calls, “logotherapy.”

            I hope you find some peace of mind today & continue to raise your voice in a hopeful manner.



PS – I just read the WP article about Vaughn Smith, the DC carpet cleaner who speaks 24 languages. He says that speaking someone else’s language brings them a “splash of happiness.” Please invite him to the WH whenever you have a foreign visitor. He would be a great way to promote multilingualism which might help bridge our cultural divide.



