


            We are having a magical morning. Light fog hangs in the air as the sun ascends with a soft orange glow. I am trying to get in sync with the serenity. I hope you can do that, too, as you face another day of friction at the Capitol.

            I hope you aren’t too troubled by the feedback on your speech on Tuesday in Atlanta. AMM’s reaction wasn’t too surprising when he called it “unpresidential.” Dick Durbin said you went “too far.” He was talking about your proposal to eliminate the filibuster. I was bothered by your assertion that elected officials need to pick sides - “Dr. King or George Wallace? … John Lewis or Bull Connor? … Abraham Lincoln or Jefferson Davis?” I am always troubled when we create dichotomies between good & evil. I encourage you to avoid doing so in the future.

            I hope Charles Blow is wrong when he writes that you dilly dallied too long to address voters’ rights, & I agree with Jennifer Rubin that it’s time that you “strip the bark off the ‘filibuster is sacred’ hooey.”

            I will hold you all in the Light as you & your Dem colleagues try to talk KLS & JM3 into making an exception to the filibuster rules.

            Please join me in holding the people of Myanmar in the Light. As you should have heard the Tatmadaw bombed Loikaw, Karenni State, cut off the power & water so now citizens are fleeing & looters have moved in. My heart goes out to them. Please continue to tighten sanctions & make sure they are enforced.





