

Aug 30, 2021

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            I just read about the Digital Dunkirk that vets around the country are engaged in to help their Afghan comrades escape. They say they are fueled by “rage & coffee” to stay up all night to make arrangements. They are experiencing “moral injury” because they know they can’t help everyone. They feel indebted to their interpreters, who served as their eyes & ears, & were the first to be killed by the Taliban during raids. Please do all you can to evacuate as many people as possible.

            I hope you don’t use rage as an energizer. It might be tempting to do so, as the press broadcasts that your presidency is in “crisis.” While your popularity may have gone down a bit, we know that waxes & wanes. Did you decide to go ahead with the Aug 31 evacuation deadline knowing that it was better to get this all over with early in your term so there would be plenty of time for people to forget about it before the next election?

            Whatever the case may be, I hope you manage to stay calm. Turn your attention to Hurricane Ida. No one can blame that on you. The 1 million people who have lost their power will be needing ice, water & food. Perfect opportunity to send in some troops to help out.



PS – Pray for the people of Myanmar



