

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            Code Red for Humanity – that’s pretty scary! I’m sure you know that’s what the new UN report calls our climate situation right now. Of the 5 scenarios they laid out, none of them are pretty. As scientist, Ko Barrett notes, “a key message here is that it is still possible to forestall most of the most dire impacts, but it really requires unprecedented, transformational change.”

            So, my Friend, it’s time that you become a math teacher & educate our citizens about the IPAT equation, specifically “Impact = Population x Affluence x Technology”. According to Princeton University environmental engineer Anu Ramaswami, “stabilizing the climate depends on addressing the affluence and technology aspects of the IPAT equation.” Since affluent people remain, somewhat, unaffected by climate change, they continue to employ inefficient technologies that emit greenhouse gases. She suggests “that urban areas could halve their resource and material use simply through better design — more density, fewer cars, accessible green space.”

So, as you talk about the Infrastructure Bills, start teaching the IPAT equation so the “eco-fascists” can get on board with your plan. They prefer to focus on the Population variable in the equation & that leads some ugly consequences due to their racism & xenophobia.

 It seems that China has focused on the Technology variable with its latest efforts to start a carbon trading market. Luckily, they worked on the Population variable for a while. If they hadn’t, we’d be in much worse shape. Please thank XJ for China’s efforts to save the planet over the years.




