

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            It looks like things went well at the Mack truck factory yesterday. I liked the way that your tour guide called everyone, “colleagues,” suggesting that he sees the factory workers as his equals. It’s nice to see that Mack Truck Execs realize the importance of Discourse. It looks like they are making an effort to build components on-sight, but some things, like microchips, will continue to be manufactured elsewhere. Hopefully, the supply chain will get back up to speed so they can produce those electric garbage trucks that you saw.

            Did you see the 100 protestors outside the plant? One of them calls you “Resident Biden” in contrast to DJT who he thinks is still the POTUS. Another had a mean dog that bit a fellow protestor. It sounded like a motley crew who have various gripes with you. That’s the beauty of America – folks have the freedom to protest & let everyone know where they stand. I wish that were true everywhere – especially Myanmar & Hong Kong.

            You must be thrilled that Sens Rob Portman & Kyrsten Sinema (KLS) were able to persuade 65 of their colleagues, including AMM, to approve moving forward with the Infrastructure Bill. I encourage you to call AOC to see what you need to do to get her on board. As you know she expressed her doubts about getting the Bill passed in the House after “choosing to exclude members of color from negotiations and calling that a ‘bipartisan accomplishment.’” KLS’s comments resonated with me when she talked about being committed to demonstrating that our government can work & that the Senate can do things together. I hope they can see this thing through!





