

My dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            It’s the last day of my seminar & it might be tense. As you may recall, our topic is anti-racist approaches to STEM education & one of the students just circulated a WSJ article called, “Correcting 1619’s Falsehoods About the American Founding.” The title gives me pause. We have discussed “norms” for civil discourse for the past 9 weeks. Now is our chance to practice what we preach.

         Speaking of preaching, your remarks yesterday in Tulsa were spot on. We all need to be reminded that hate never goes away. It only hides. That we must never give it a safe haven and be ever vigilant to protect one another from it. I would add that darkness lives in each of us & can rise its ugly head in a myriad of ways. As you noted, we need to shine a light on our dark moments so we can get past them.

         According to the Tulsa World, you left a great impression of the folks who met you. Kara Joy McKee enjoyed giving you a hug & Michelle Brown-Burdex appreciated your genuine interest in the Greenwood Cultural Center which helped set her at ease as she toured you around.

         I’m glad that you are taking a break at your beach house to celebrate Jill’s 70th birthday. As you both contemplate another lap around the sun, you might take a look at the article in today’s WP, “Senate is oldest in American History” which notes that a DC pharmacist has reported sending a lot of Alzheimer’s meds over to Capitol Hill. My Sen Fienstein is the eldest at age 88 & some worry about her memory lapses. I’m not sure it’s a problem. Does she still have clout? NRP does & she’s 81.

         Making laws requires energy. I am finding that out as I try to rally my colleagues to revise our Teacher Education Program Bylaws. It’s all about the details & communicating with everyone down the line. I don’t know how you do it.

         I hope your conversation with Sen Capito goes well today & that you get a chance to ride your bike on Gordons Pond Trail.




