

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            I just watched the family photo event at the G7. Seeing you touching everyone’s shoulders reminded me of my dad who used to do that, too. I was happy that Angela Merkel (ADM) was not the only woman in the group. Did you get a chance to talk with Pres. of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen? Isn’t it kind of weird that the 2 women at a convening of the democratic countries of the world are both German?

It’s a good thing that ADM was wearing red for the photo. It gave a little color to an otherwise drab scene. Isn’t it great that so many media outlets are covering the event?

Speaking of the media, please discuss the terrible treatment that journalists are receiving in Myanmar. The media folk who have been detained by the junta include 2 Americans, Daniel Fenster and Nathan Maung (NM). NM has endured terrible treatment during interrogations. I hope our Embassy is able to help him.

            It’s too bad that you couldn’t go to St. Michael’s Mount due to the weather. Not only does it have a castle that is close to a thousand years old, it’s got a wonderful hillside garden with exotic succulents. The west side of the island has a microclimate that can support plants like the Fascicularia Bicolor from Chile. I’d love to see it someday.

            Have you seen the protesters that have assembled to remind you & the gang that you’ve got to do more to stop climate change? There’s an amazing sand painting on the beach & Mount Recyclemore is an impressive assemblage of electronics garbage. I hope that BJ has been successful in making G7 carbon neutral. They’re going to have spend millions of pounds to offset the 3 warships out in the harbor & the cruise ship that’s housing the 6500 police officers. It may be nice to meet in person, but please try to popularize the idea of a Zoom Meeting for G7 2022.

            Enjoy your visit,




