

My Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            The wind continues. We’ve had a couple of fires in the vicinity that have been contained. All of the air is drying things out which increases our fire danger. Not good.

            When you visited with Jimmy Carter the other day, did you talk about climate change? According to today’s G, he should be given more credit for being prescient about environmental degradation. He commissioned the Global 2000 report which recommended we reduce our reliance on oil. I wonder what would have happened if we had done so.

            I understand that you are headed to Newport News today to visit Yorktown Elementary School. Please do not utter the phrase, “Learning Loss.” Instead, please praise the children & their teachers for their creativity & resilience in getting through this extraordinary time. We don’t want to send the message to this generation of children that they are damaged goods. They will still learn to read. They will still be able to solve problems. They may appreciate their friends more. They know more about viruses than I ever did. Welcome them back to school & tell them to keep their masks on.

            Please call Michael Wirth (MW), Chevron CEO, & encourage him to stop sending $$ to the junta in Myanmar for & put their payments in escrow until democracy is restored there. The Yadana natural gas field has generated $4.83 billion for the junta. Please do what you can to stop that revenue flow.

            I just saw the cute video of you picking a dandelion to give to Jill. That was sweet.




