

Happy Valentine’s Day JRB,

            Aren’t you glad that the impeachment trial is over? Now we can get on with other things.

            I was moved this morning to read about your marriage, especially the story about that plaque you put on the tree at #1 Observatory in 2010. Your devotion of Jill reminds me of the way that my dad felt about my mom. Like you, he always said that he loved her more than she loved him. He was amazed that she chose him & like you, it took him a long time to win her heart. Tell Jill I love the heart display on the WH lawn.

            I thought of you as I worshipped last night with some Friends affiliated with Yangon. They shared their grief & anxiety over the latest moves of the generals. In case you don’t know, they have changed their Constitution to allow themselves to hold prisoners without charging them. They emptied the prisons to make room to jail their opposition which is also creating fear that released criminals are now roaming the streets. They keep turning the internet on and off to make it clear that they are in control. As you know the Tatmadaw have used excessive force on their citizens in the past, so every demonstrator is in danger. Nonetheless, protests continue & some extremely brave police officers have stepped up to take the people’s side. Please pray for all in Burma today & do what you can to help them.

I was excited to read Stacey Abrams & Lauren Groh-Wayo’s Op-Ed in todays’ NYT because it helped me find an avenue to continue to support our democracy. They lay out a plan to turn red states into blue ones and stress that it involves a long-term perspective which includes “a robust internship program” where young folks “learn the policy issues that affected Georgians & can “carry the concerns of their communities with them.” As an educator, investing in our young people makes sense to me, so I will continue to be on the lookout for opportunities to do this & I hope you will, too.




