

Dec 20, 2021


            It’s time to eat the elephant. That’s my dad’s metaphor for taking the incremental approach to a task. Just dive in & start taking bites out of it. Don’t think you are going to accomplish it all at once. Don’t even try to plan too much. Just start doing & you will figure it out as you go along. This approach is anathema to some, but it works for me.

So don’t waste any more time berating JM3. He’s on his own channel & clearly ambivalent about his loyalties. Folks in West VA have felt disconnected ever since they broke off from VA during the Civil War. They expressed their independence at that time in no uncertain terms, “Are we submissionists, craven cowards, who will yield to daring ambition” when they refused to be “made slaves of, by the haughty arrogance and wicked machinations of would-be Eastern Despots.” Most voters in his state don’t know the facts of its founding, but the contrary spirit is alive & well there. I know because my Grandma CeCe who passed on her rebellious ethos to me, lived her formative years in Huntington. The Mountaineers go their own way even when it’s not in their self-interest.

As your reboot you can do as Ross Barkan suggests & forgive $10,000 in college debt via Exec Order. Then you can get Congress to rally around the Child Tax Credit & CC. Keep CC separate & get all the young folk to pester their parents into contacting their senators. According to Sen Ron Wyden (OR) the clean energy tax is backed by several major utilities. They want the regulation so they can justify doing the right thing.

So, let go of your BBB mantra & go to the next letter of the alphabet for the CCC bill (Combat Climate Change).

In other news, please investigate the news reported by Human Rights Watch & if its accurate, please ask Fumio Kishida to stop training the Tatmadaw in Japan’s Defense Ministry facilities.

Don’t let the haters get you down.




