

My Friend & POTUS, JRB,      

Last night you had a menorah lighting. Tonight, it’ll be the Christmas tree. Will you also be lighting the Kwanzaa candles on Dec 26?

I appreciated your sentiment, “the Hanukkah story …nourishes the wellspring of hope. In darkness there's light. In cynicism there's hope, and optimism, and the unyielding belief that miracles are possible.” We always need these reminders, especially this year.

I hope your new CV plan is well received. I expect people will be grateful to have free in-home CV tests & the family vax sites sound great. I can imagine having Santa there to hand out some presents to take away the sting of the shot.

I am scheduled to get my booster next week. I have to drive over to Sacto to get it. I worry about the folks who have trouble with transportation as the appointments for boosters in Davis are in Jan. That may be too late if this Omicron thing takes off. How about an at-home vax program?

I’m sure you’ve heard that KS Sen Roger Marshall is threatening to vote against the spending bill that would avert a government shutdown on Friday. He doesn’t want to see any $$ going to your vax mandate. I have a hard time understanding how a doctor can be “pro-vaccine, but anti-mandate.” The mandate does not require people to get a shot. They just have to be tested if they don’t want one. That doesn’t seem too intrusive to me.

I also find it odd that the GOP doesn’t want to force people to get shots but is willing to force people to have babies. Just goes to show that humans are not as rational as we think we are.

What are your thoughts on the UN deferral of who gets to represent Myanmar at the General Conference next fall? It’s better than seating the junta rep, I guess. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield last remarks on Myanmar were in Aug about the thwarted plot to attack Myanmar's U.N. ambassador in NYC. Please encourage her to make a statement, or at least to tweet about Burma’s representation at the UN.


(Dear readers who are not the POTUS - I just noticed that today ‘s date is a palindrome! How cool is that?)



