

Dear Friend, DJT,

            I’m listening to some Gospel music this AM. Do you ever do that? I suspect not. Why not give it a try? This morning’s playlist started with “He Knows My Name” reminding me that the Higher Power is in each of us. Right now, I’m listening to “Do It Again” about moving mountains. I’m ready for that to happen, aren’t you?

            Maybe you can move a mountain yourself. You could start by getting some clarity about what is & isn’t possible. Give up on trying to accelerate a vaccine. Science & statistics indicate that vaccines take time. We need a representative sample of 30,000 volunteers for each of the 3 trials. That’s a lot of Black & Latinx participants & unfortunately, they tend not to trust the medical establishment, so they aren’t stepping forward. Even if we get the representative sample, we have to wait for them to have a chance to encounter the virus. That takes time, especially if they are practicing social distancing as they should be. Moreover, it’s important that they have time to experience any adverse effects that the vaccine may stimulate. Finally, we have to figure out how to convince people to take the vaccine & once we do, we have to somehow distribute it. Apparently 2 of the vaccines have to be shipped on dry ice & that’s in short supply. I could go on, but suffice it to say that getting Americans vaccinated before the election is a mountain that even you can’t move.

            So instead of addressing our physical health, you can address our mental health by changing your “Law & Order” message, to “Love & Elevate”. Ja’Ron Smith says that you have shown deep empathy for those “whose loved ones were killed due to senseless violence.” You could show that side of yourself by shining a light on the resilience & reconciliation going on in Kenosha right now. You could tell protestors to leave their AR-15s at home. You could put down your putter, call pastor Darnell Scott, to help lead the Nation in song.

         I smile just thinking about it.




