

Friend DJT,

            Last year at this time you were traveling to England to see QE. Those were the days.

            I have to make this super short today as I got distracted by visits with my neighbor as I went to turn off the water in my garden. It’s going to be 103 today so my tomatoes need a drink. I usually spend 60 – 90 minutes on reading and composing these letters. Today, it’ll be more like 30.

            I hope you’ll get some advice from  Samuel Sinyangwe. He’s a young data analyst who has developed 10 strategies for ending police brutality. He’s a tech whiz so he knows all the tricks for compiling research and he’s got some compelling ideas. He might convince you that police departments who receive federal intervention have 25 – 30% fewer shootings that those who did not. It’s time for William Barr to get busy!

            I also hope you will call Archbishop Wilton Gregory and apologize for using the SJP2 shrine for your publicity venue yesterday. He’s quite bothered that “any Catholic facility would allow itself to be so egregiously misused and manipulated in a fashion that violates our religious principles, which call us to defend the rights of all people even those with whom we might disagree.” As you know, Catholics are all about repentance, so I think he will be receptive to your confession.

            I have to close up our house now.





