

My dear Friend & POTUS, DJT,

            Did you hear that Eliz. Warren’s brother died of CV? It would be nice of you to give her a call and express your condolences. She’s finding it difficult to imagine him dying alone and believes that he didn’t have to die. He was 86-years old so he had lived a long life so his time was coming, especially given the fact that he was in a nursing home recovering from pneumonia when he caught CV. I think it’s the way he died that is most troubling to his loved ones.

I am hearing stories like this over and over again, so much so that I am starting to tune them out. It makes my heart heavy & that weight literally depresses me, saps my energy, blinds me to the beauty surrounding me & numbs me to the joyful noises from the neighbor children. It would help me & so many others if you joined us in mourning the sudden loss of so much life & you acknowledged our suffering & grieving.

The folks who are experiencing this the most are the nurses & doctors who have so little palliative care to offer. They know how comforting it would be for the CV patients to have their loved ones by their side & it distresses them that their patients are facing their last minutes in isolation. While we can’t fix this immediately, if you would express a sense of despair, or at least sadness, it would show that you understand.

Your anger evokes anger & I’ve told you many times before, it’s not healthy. You need a thriving immune system right now, and getting furious is going to make you more vulnerable to CV. So, please try to forget BHO’s critique & show your sorrow, instead. It will help all of use to begin to heal.




