

My dear Friend & President, DJT,

            Where’s ASF? I miss his impish grim & his measured remarks. When he said things like, “if you have a protective antibody, passive transfer could provide not only protection, prophylactically, but also treatment.” That’s precision!! Educators call that scientific Discourse (with a capital D). It takes years to develop the vocabulary, grammar and tone to talk like that, and when someone can do so, it’s clear that they are a member of the club. I liked seeing ASF in your press conferences because it was comforting to know that you were getting sound advice from a sage.

            It seems like you are getting advice from all kinds of interesting places. According to Friday’s Guardian,  Mark Grenon, leader of Florida's Genesis II Church of Health & Healing, wrote to you about the miracles of bleach before you mused about that in your press conference. Did you know that he makes a lot of $$ from convincing parents of autistic kids to buy his product, Miracle Mineral Solution? The FDA has been trying to put a stop to that, so I encourage you to consult with Stephen Hahn next time folks write your letters about miracle cures.

         According to today’s WSJ, you are also getting advice from a network of elite scientists calling themselves, “Scientists to Stop Covid-19” led by Tom Cahill. It seems that they are using their connections to try to influence you through Nick Ayers, Pence’s right-hand man. They say they are “marshaling brains and money to distill unorthodox ideas gleaned from around the globe.” Their collaboration is encouraging but I wish the group had a few women & POCs. When White men presume to know it all, I get suspicious.

            That’s the best thing about ASF, he never presumes to know it all. In fact, he prefers to confirm his hypotheses through experimentation. I’m so glad he’s on your team, & I hope to see him more often.





