My dear Friend and POTUS, DJT,
I noticed a piece in the WSJ today about your shifting arms sales oversight to ease sales of weapons to Saudi Arabia. Since WSJ is out of my price range, I couldn’t read the whole article, but I implore you to follow the lead of Dick’s Sporting Goods and refrain from selling firearms.
I encourage you to check out Vox’s March 6 article about the silly songs and videos that folks around the world are coming up with to educate the public to combat the spread of CV. That might help you understand why it’s time for you to adopt the elbow bump or foot tap rather than the handshake. I don’t have to tell you that you are part of the “vulnerable population” who could get quite sick if you contract the virus. You might even follow the example of your new right-hand man, MRM, and quarantine yourself. I understand that he and several other GOP elected officials have secluded themselves because they were in close contact with a CV victim at the CPAC event a couple of weeks ago. I love that they are setting a good example, as inconvenient as it may be to stay home.
At the awards ceremony for General Jack Keane, please set a good example and replace handshaking with an alternative greeting. If you don’t like the elbow bump or foot tap, you could try a hand on the shoulder. I know that you are a germaphobe and have developed excellent hygiene, but all those folks who you shake hands with might not have the same habits. You don’t want to be a super-spreader, do you?