

My Dear Friend & POTUS, DJT,

            What’s up in FL? Will you be spending the whole weekend talking to Congresspeople or will you be golfing? I don’t know what to think about your threat to veto the Appropriation Bill. Checks for $2000 would be nice for those who need it, but I worry about all of the families that need some $$ immediately. They can’t afford to wait for you to work things out with your people. I know that surprise is one of your political strategies, but the suffering families out there don’t need any more surprises. $600 is better than nothing & the other provisions in the bill will also keep them going. Best to sign this one now.

            Has the Canadian air arrived in FL yet? Have the iguanas started to fall from the trees? I wouldn’t want to be hit in the head by a descending reptiles. According to the Palm Beach Post this is the perfect opportunity for homeowners to eradicate their properties of these invasive pests, because lizards are paralyzed by the cold. Unfortunately, they are tricky to kill. You’re not allowed to put them in the freezer or feed them poison, so that leaves stabbing them or hitting them in the head. These techniques require a certain amount of skill, because if you don’t kill them immediately, you can be fined &/or jailed for animal cruelty. I hope that some enterprising folk are out their peddling their prowess at precise execution of iguanas. Here in Village Homes we need that kind of service for squirrels, rabbits and rats. I was hoping that our latest dog would be a rodent hunter, but alas, she likes to dig, but is not a killer.

I have to get busy baking my stollen & putting together cookie treats for distribution to neighbors.

Please spread some good cheer today,




