

My Dear Friend & POTUS, DJT,

Good news of the day includes MRP getting his CV vaccine & the FDA getting rid of excessive regulation on the contents of a “Frozen Cherry Pie.”

            It’s just a week until Christmas. Do you have all of your gifts figured out? I don’t. My daughter & I went to Target yesterday & found some things that we wanted. We’ll wrap them up so we have some presents to open, but we just don’t have the energy to include the surprise factor this year. My husband is not in the mood for gifts so we got him various mustards to spice up his life. My brother ordered us a box of aged WI cheddar which we look forward to savoring. It will go well with the mustard.

            I hope Americans will receive the holiday gift of a stimulus package by midnight tonight. AMM says he’s optimistic that it will happen. I understand that they are still hammering out the conditions of the Federal Reserve lending program & the specifics of who is going to get the $600 checks. I understand that you are much more generous than your GOP buddies & were promoting the idea of $2000 payments, but your WH crew talked you out of it. Please give all of our elected officials some encouragement to keep the federal government open by passing a budget AND a stimulus package. Please remind them that compromise is AOK.

The folks in Atlanta are alarmed that Coke is laying off 10% of its employees, & the public health officials in MO are wondering why a large percentage of their promised vaccine doses are still in a Pfizer warehouse waiting for shipping instruction. I am troubled that the ICUs in CA are filling up. I hope you will get busy today seeing what you can do to help these situations.




