

My Dear Friend & POTUS , DJT,

            I hope no one caught CV at the Congressional Ball last night.

            I wanted to write an upbeat note about how folks are making the news by checking the numbers. My BFF was excited about former Baltimore Ravens Lineman, John Urschel, who is getting his PhD at MIT developing new approaches to graph theory. He’s in the news for his work inspiring BIPOC kids to choose math over football. I wanted to remind you about Rebekah Jones, who you will remember from an Aug letter. Her house was just raided by some cops in FL. They pointed their guns at her 2 & 11 yr old kids. They think she hacked into a state account to send out an email about 17,000 CV deaths in the state. She says the email was obviously not hers because she “would never have rounded down.” I was excited to learn about Rep. Bee Nguyen who is checking the numbers in GA where Matt Braynard (MB) claims to have identified thousands of fraudulent voters. She found some of the people on the list & checked in with them. MB’s numbers are all wrong.

I’d love to weave an intriguing narrative about these 3 math related stories, but instead, I must express my profound disappointment that you did not stay the execution of Brandon Bernard. I’m sure that Kim Kardashian has been in touch with you to provide the details of the case, making it clear that his crime did not warrant execution. I like to think that you are not a cruel man, but this execution is cruel & unusual.

            You could ameliorate your record by staying the execution of Lisa Montgomery who is set to be killed in January. While her crime is horrific, no one could survive the trauma of her childhood and maintain their sanity. Killing her is not going to make the world a better place.

            As Sister Helen Prejean says, executing people puts a “stain on us all.” Don’t we have enough stains?





