My dear Friend & POTUS, DJT,
Your comments during yesterday’s video caught my attention, especially when you said, “I’ve learned a lot about COVID,” & find it “very interesting.” Perhaps you have not yet learned that it comes & goes. One minute you feel ok & the next minute you feel like you’ve been hit by a truck. So, when you have those moments of feeling good, it doesn’t mean you’re cured. It just means that your immune system has won a battle. The war will go on.
Given what you’ve been learning, you can imagine my surprise when I saw you out & about in your SUV, yesterday. Perhaps you were a bit delirious from all of those drugs you are getting & insisted that you needed to see your adoring fans. Certainly, if you were thinking straight you would never expose your trusty secret service agents to your CV in a hermetically sealed vehicle.
Did you see the new #ProudBoys campaign on Twitter? You should check it out & give it some likes. Better yet, retweet some posts. Star Trek legend George Takei started it, suggesting that gay guys post pictures of themselves with their partners showing their love for one another. He calls the campaign #ReclaimingMyShine. Isn’t that a creative way to stand up & crowd out the hate that those other Proud Boys are trying to spread around? I think it’s brilliant & reading about it made my day. I hope it made yours, too.
Take it easy – HYITL,