My Dear Friend & POTUS, DJT,
I have been writing to you for 3 years now and have composed almost 300,000 words on 607 pages. I hope someone in the WH is reading them and letting you know that I am trying to help you be your best. There’s still room for improvement so I will have to keep writing even though I would prefer to be doing other things.
Speaking of room for improvement, did you really have to say “to hell with you” to the GOP House Reps who attended your signing yesterday? I’m sure they laughed, but inside I’m sure they cringed. It’s not easy for them to stand up for you so expressing your gratitude would be more appropriate, don’t you think?
The LA Times notes that you are “suddenly engaged in a blitz of activity” with your trip today to the Dana INC driveshaft factory in MI and the rally in Des Moines. I encourage you to ask the folks of Des Moines to be on the lookout for 18 yr old Abdullahi Sharif who has been missing for 2 weeks. As Somali refugees I’m sure his family members worry that he has been the victim of a hate crime even though the police are telling them that the disappearance appears “voluntary.” Your expressed concern for his well-being would be most welcome.
Be your best,