My Dear Friend and President, DJT,
Prayer – I don’t say prayers, do you? Being a humble Quaker, I don’t presume to know what’s best for anyone or to think of God as a being who controls the universe, so prayer doesn’t make much sense to me. So, when my heart aches for someone, I just sit with the ache imagining that person and hoping by acknowledging their suffering, they will begin to heal. We call this “Holding Friends in the Light.” I do it a lot. When I start my day by leaning back and opening my arms to the sky, taking a deep breath and feeling thankful to be alive, I consider it a morning exercise. When I convene my class and welcome them for our work together, I consider it a convocation. I don’t evoke the name of God, but in trying to be my best self I hope my Divine spark ignites the Light in others.
When you talk about prayer in school today, what exactly are you referring to? I’m sure you know that kids and teachers are free to pray in school, they just can’t assume that everyone else will be joining them. I would never ask my students to Hold someone in the Light. They’d have no idea what to do. I might tell everyone to take a moment of silence in a time of grief or sorrow, but professing my belief and expecting others to follow along is called indoctrination, and that’s not what our democracy is all about.
I do hope you will share your best self with the world and do you best to be gracious as you face the burden of impeachment.
Peace be with you,