

My dear friend and president, DJT,

            I am holding the folks of Charleston in the Light as they brace for Dorian's high water to hit today. It may be among the top 5 flooding events they've ever experienced. Sea level has risen 1.26 feet since 1900 and some of those historic homes were not built for these storm surges. Folks are getting creative about protecting their homes but there's only so much one can do. I hope people get to high ground so we don't have another Katrina on our hands.

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            I hope your meeting with Mary Barra (MTB) goes well today. I think GM is on the right track with their ZERO campaign - Zero Crashes, Zero Emissions and Zero Congestion - Zero Is More." Given GM's commitment to the environment, I don't think MTB will be fighting CA's fuel emissions standards. Speaking of which GM is working on a new airless tire that's puncture proof. It's made on a 3D printer out of a resin-embedded fiberglass material and since it doesn't deflate, it's good for gas mileage and no spare tire needed! Isn't that great?

            I don't think MTB is going to close her China operations any time soon. GM has 58,000 employees there and last year they sold 3.64 million vehicles to Chinese consumers. Most of their operations are joint ventures so I doubt they'll just close shop. You may be able to help her with her upcoming UAW negotiations.  Jalopnik says your conversation may be awkward. I certainly hope not.

            Take it easy,




