

My dear friend and president, DJT,

            Don't you love Mother Nature! I know I do. Today I am in awe of the Coastal Redwoods that tower all around me at the Ben Lomand Quaker Center. The sun is just beginning to penetrate the canopy. Serenity! I hope you are also experiencing the bliss of being in a quiet forest at Camp David, marveling at the mighty oak and enjoying the aroma of the hickory.

            I think it was prudent to delay your trip to Poland so you could be on hand for the land fall of Dorian. It looks like it might not make a direct hit on Florida after all. We'll have to wait and see.

            I was sorry to hear that Madeleine Westerhout had to resign. It sounds like she got carried away and said some things that she regrets. Next time, I hope you will prioritize experience over appearance and hire someone older and wiser to serve as your personal secretary. I am happy to say that I can't find exactly what she said that was so inappropriate.

            Take it easy,   


PS - I felt pretty queasy when reading today's NYT story about OZs and how the 1% have yet another way to invest $ and avoid taxes. I thought OZs were supposed to help poor people, but the names Scaramucci and Kushner kept coming up. Since when are those guys poor?



