
My Dear Friend and President, DJT,

I am writing to you from a public computer at Earlham College. I only have about 5 minutes to compose my letter today because I have to run and watch my daughter play rugby. I have my fingers crossed that she does not get injured.

Have you ever thought about a world without men? My dad used to say that women did not need men and as soon as they figured out how to reproduce without them, they’d kill off all the men so they could live in peace. According to a story in the NYT today, some termites in Japan are doing just that - reproducing without males and doing just fine.

While I love my husband, I wonder if my dad might have been right. Clearly many men just don’t get why many women are so irate over this Brett K thing. I think Ivanka has been trying to help you understand. Is she breaking through yet? Maybe those women who yelled at Jeff Flake in the elevator should stop by the WH and give you some suggestions.

 I am thrilled to see that we might be on the brink of a break-through but I am not holding my breath. We let Bill Clinton get away with sexually harassing women. We didn’t believe Paula Jones, Juanita Broaddrick or Kathleen Willey, and Hillary was first in line to accuse them of lying. You could argue that Bill was much worse than Brett because his transgressions continued to happen into his adulthood. If Hillary had been married to anyone else she might have been able to win. I think we are in a place now where macho bullshit is no longer going to be tolerated, and folks like you, Bill and Brett will be out of luck. I think there are plenty of guys who don’t do that sort of thing so I think we’ll keep males around for a while.

So where do we go from here? Who knows? I’m sure you’ll figure something out, but you better be careful.



