

My dear Friend and president, DJT,

            I was relieved to see that you have no public events today. No more bills to sign, no more trips across the ocean, no more rallies, at least for today. Please put your phone away, turn the TV off and spend some quality time hanging out with your family. It's going to be a nice day in DC, so you can go out to the WH putting green and use that club that AZ gave you to practice putting the ball in the hole.

            I'm sorry that you had trouble explaining your concern for the homelessness the other day, and now all the news outlets are making hay out your words on the issue. When you told Tucker Carlson that world leaders "can’t be looking at that," it sounded like you just wanted people without shelter out of your sight, rather than wanting to help them. I encourage you to attend the upcoming National Conference on Ending Homelessness to take place in DC, July 22 - 24. You can find out more about efforts to address the issue. In the meantime, I hope you will reconsider your idea to close the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness. According to GOP Congressman Ed Royce, who just retired, "USICH has demonstrated a successful track record of decreasing homelessness by coordinating across all levels of government, as well as with private sector partners, in order to maximize the impact of federal resources." I hope you'll take the time to work on some remedies, as you do, remember it's about helping people, not about making the city pretty.

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            As you take time to help people, please take another trip down to Texas and take a look at the Clint facility that AOC just visited. It sounds deplorable. Also deplorable is that Facebook group of agents posting inappropriate stuff. I'm sure you will take care of that immediately. I know that you are a fan of the border patrol, but they made some bad choices and they need to hear about it. You are great at disciplining people so please get busy doing that.




